Sunday, March 29, 2020


Hi everyone, Effective immediately. I will no longer be posting any artwork for the foreseeable year. I'm not going to stop drawing, but certain art related issues have manifested and I will be busy going back to the basics. I'm starting over in other words. I have not made enough progress in the last few years and I lack a proper understanding of the foundations of drawing (which is something many people have pointed out over the years). This is an impasse that could've been avoided had I chosen to listen to others who took time to critique my work. Thank you to all that have. Your thoughts and general advice was greatly appreciated, even though I didn't always show it. I have made this decision on my own accord and will proceed on the path I believe will yield the best results. Currently, I have started taking drawing classes online to help in this endeavor. Thank you for your support over the last few years. I will be in touch. Best Regards, Brian J. Gross

Sunday, March 1, 2020